A Brighter Idea For Energy Solutions
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Lighting conservation is perhaps the low hanging fruit in all of energy conservation targets.  It is no secret that the cost of energy is going in one direction, up.  Rising energy costs are much more than just a trend; they are a way of life.  There is no crystal ball that can predict what our energy costs might be a year from now or five years from now.  However, you don‚t need a crystal ball to know that energy costs are on the rise.  Global competition for scarce finite resources drives our energy needs and pushes the cost envelope up, up, up.  Today‚s facility managers are faced with the daunting task to contain these costs while allowing for the healthy expansion of their management‚s corporate targets.  Somewhere, someplace an answer must be found; a simple smart way to conserve energy costs.  Perhaps the best place to start is with the low hanging fruit, lighting.

Enter Trillium Energy & Environmental, a group of managers, engineers and planners that provide solutions to reduce energy costs and it all starts with efficient and environmentally friendly lighting design.  We have assembled a definitive team of experts that are able to provide energy cost reduction that is often times completely paid for in months instead of years.  Our solutions most often provide immediate cash flow directly to your bottom line.

Trillium operates throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.  Our cost saving proposals transcends the boundaries of state and country; ideas that are SO cost effective that they are often times not believed by our potential customers.  Nevertheless, the savings are real, immediate and soundly based in smart business decisions.

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